Our Story
The Progenitor, ACC’s award-winning art and literary journal produced by ACC students in ENG 231 has been in continuous production since 1967. Produced every spring, this literary journal has consistently ranked among the top college literary magazines in the country, receiving numerous awards for design and content. Click to Meet the 2021 Staff.
The Progenitor Art & Literary Journal has been published each Spring semester at ACC for the past 55 years (including during the onset of the pandemic). The Journal publishes the best submissions it receives from ACC students and community members, near and far.
The Progenitor Art & Literary Journal accepts original and unpublished nonfiction, fiction, drama, illustrated and graphic stories, prose, poetry, art, 10-minute plays, and art and photography from students, writers, and artists around the world.
If you are interested in submitting to next year's Progenitor for possible publications or know someone who would be interested, please head on over to the submit page for all the rules and guidelines for submitting your work. We hope to see your future work!

ACC's Progenitor is a 1st place national-award-winning art & literary magazine of The Community College Humanities Association. The Progenitor is a cornerstone of Arapahoe Community College's art and literary life. ACC's staff takes pride in sharing their brand’s achievements, and selected publications from all across the globe. Pick up the latest Progenitor 2021 today!